Cross-Cultural Dynamics’ Blog

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

Microaggressions in the Workplace

It’s a casual comment, an innocent catch phrase, or an ignorant stereotype. Microaggressions in the workplace are too common and cause serious damage to the health of organizations.

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

When Leadership and DEI Connect

Through all my years of studying, teaching, and implementing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, I have come to find consistent responses from the leadership teams I work with.

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

Adding “B” to DEI

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. More and more, organizations are seeing the importance of focusing organizational effort toward these priorities. But many are finding the actions they’ve implemented are not moving the ball down the court when it comes to team impact.

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

Our Story

Cross-Cultural Dynamics was built on the foundational belief that people simply need to love one another.

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Organizational Development Dylan Winn-Brown Organizational Development Dylan Winn-Brown

Equitable and Inclusive Hiring Practices

Equity and inclusivity don’t begin at the team orientation meeting. They begin with the hiring process itself. In a society where distinctively Black names on entry-level job applications are showing a 2.1% less chance of getting called back, and where white Americans are consistently surpassing Hispanic applicants in higher paying management positions, and where 25% of women say they are being unfairly compensation in comparison with their male co-workers, there is work to do as we desire to promote equity and inclusivity in our hiring practices.

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

Americans with Disabilities Act

Coming up this month, on July 26, is the anniversary of when former President, George H.W. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act into law, which outlawed the discrimination against people with disabilities. Let’s learn about this law, why it’s important, and how you can continue to foster a workspace of inclusivity!

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

Leadership 101: Cross-Cultural Leaders

We have all heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” If you eat unhealthy foods, you will put yourself at higher risk of obesity, higher blood pressure, higher cholesterol, heart disease, and more. Emotionally, research shows the effects of eating unhealthily can lead to depression, lethargy, stress, and anxiety to name a few.

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

Juneteenth: Showing Care vs. Commercialization

There’s a dangerous trend in the United States when it comes to holidays. It involves taking hold of a deep, beautiful, and rich holiday meaning to then squeezing out all the profits available from it. Have you ever sensed this?

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

The Great Resignation

How Inclusivity Plays a Key Role in Retaining Your Best Employees

We’ve heard this term thrown around for a while now–the Great Resignation. And we’d like to take a closer look at some data pointing to the “why” behind the record-breaking millions of Americans who have left their jobs during this Great Resignation, which began in the Spring of 2021 and is continuing to this present day.

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

Diversity Day

We have a huge opportunity coming our way to join the world in acknowledging and celebrating a day called Diversity Day (also known as World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development) on May 21.

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

Together for Mental Health

With a new month upon us, we find so much value in directing our attention to new ways we can intentionally celebrate, promote, or support employees within our workplaces. May brings an awareness of mental health, and we are eager to share what this can mean for your team as you pursue diversity, equity, and inclusion.

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

3 Ways Community Service Benefits Your Business

Beyond the allure of community service hours on your resume, the idea of businesses incorporating community service as a staple in the workplace is not only attractive to employees and customers, but it also gives great value to your company.

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

Celebrate Diversity Month

With an entire month dedicated to celebrating diversity, April is a great opportunity to maximize the ways your team educates and celebrates each other and the beautiful array of cultures represented within our communities! Maybe you’re on a team that does this well regularly!

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown


We’re excited to dedicate celebration and support toward women in the workplace as we recognize International Women’s Month. We want to bring recognition to this important topic as it applies to workplace inclusion! Women bring such a vital element to the workplace, and as we understand some of the barriers to effectively maintaining this diversity within organizations, we can collectively work to break down the barriers and #BreakTheBias of the stereotypes of women in leadership and various workplace roles. We can celebrate the strength experienced as a whole when the demographics are even and when women are given equal opportunity.

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

National Disabilities Awareness Month

It can be both thrilling and overwhelming to realize we have much capacity to continue our journey of awareness when it comes to anyone different from ourselves. March brings an intentional and unified awareness surrounding the topic of disabilities as National Disabilities Awareness Month and Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month (DDAM).

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

Black Health and Wellness

As we celebrate Black History month, this year’s focus is surrounding the topic of Black Health and Wellness. Not only do we look to the past and acknowledge the legacy of medical scholars and practitioners within black communities who have been instrumental in the progress of medicine, but we also look to the future, seeing how black health and wellness is such a worthy theme to devote regular time and effort toward.

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

Ways to Engage Your Team During Black History Month

With a focus on Black History this month, we’d like to give your team tools and ideas for intentional ways you can make space for conversation and celebration within your work community! The best place to start is to realize this is not a month-long endeavor. It’s a life-long endeavor. While February is singled out as a special awareness month, our jobs in creating safety and empathy within this conversation is definitely not limited to 28 days of the year.

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