Diversity Day

diverse colleagues working

We have a huge opportunity coming our way to join the world in acknowledging and celebrating a day called Diversity Day (also known as World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development) on May 21. 

Why do we celebrate Diversity Day?

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) holds four main goals for setting apart this day as an intentional awareness day:

  • To support sustainable systems for the governance of culture

  • To achieve a balanced flow of cultural goods and services

  • To integrate culture into the frameworks of sustainable development

  • To promote human rights and fundamental freedoms

We celebrate Diversity Day to demonstrate support for these worthwhile goals. 

Dedicated support for this cause begins with awareness, and it continues as you discover the many ways cultural diversity broadens opportunities for peace, sustainability, and development within your organization. 

Cultural diversity plays a role in your organization’s growth potential

The United Nations gives compelling reasons as to why diversity matters greatly. It’s interesting to note that 75% of the world’s conflicts stem from cultural elements. When we desire peace and unity, we cannot deny the overwhelming role cultural diversity plays in this noble goal.

Not only should we pay attention to cultural diversity when it comes to sustaining peace but also in matters of sustainability and growth within our organizations. Diversity is often the backbone of sustainability itself. The United Nations described this by saying, “Cultural diversity is thus an asset that is indispensable for poverty reduction and the achievement of sustainable development” (World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development).

Simply put, the level of investment you place on cultural diversity is a telling indicator of your investment toward growth and sustainability in your organization.

What do we do practically?

As always, if broaching the topic of cultural diversity is a new one for you and your team, it’s so important to be intentional and wise with the way you celebrate. We always want to remind you that these awareness days are not only “days.” They point to the need for fundamental, operational change within your workplace.

A great first step would be to educate yourself and your team! How can you invest in learning more about diversity? How can you begin a dialogue and open up the conversation within your team? Make space for this, and see how your discovery opens up!

Practically speaking, learning about cultural diversity can be as easy as embracing a new culture. Sports, food, art, music–each of these can be a fun way for your team to gain more cultural perspectives. Share a meal together from a specific culture as you learn about its contributions to society and history. Visit a museum where you can appreciate the influence of culture on visual arts. 

One thing is certain–you will never run out of ways to learn about the diversity in culture. The diversity within our world not only brings innovation and sustainability to our work but also adds endless beauty with each nuance. 

Dylan Winn-Brown

Dylan Winn-Brown is a freelance web developer & Squarespace Expert based in the City of London. 


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