3 Ways Community Service Benefits Your Business

volunteers engaged in conversation

Beyond the allure of community service hours on your resume, the idea of businesses incorporating community service as a staple in the workplace is not only attractive to employees and customers, but it also gives great value to your company. We’d like to share three ways your team can benefit from instilling a consistent investment in community service efforts. 

Community service attracts a younger demographic.

How many times have you called a meeting to brainstorm ideas on “reaching the next generation?” It can feel like a cyclical conversation with little traction. Research shows that the majority of millennials desire to work for companies that reach beyond their own walls and spend time and resources on community service. This should matter to us because millennials are projected to make up 75% of the workplace by 2025. 

Community service within organizations is now more of an expectation from the younger demographic of the workforce. In fact, according to Forbes, 75% of millennials would actually take a pay cut on their next job if it meant working for a company with an emphasis on helping the community at large. 

Community service increases engagement at work.

One practical way to see this benefit is to be aware of which organizations your employees are already invested in outside of work! Where are your team members spending their time? What are they passionate about within the community? There may be opportunities to overlap those passions through your workplace community service efforts!

This always leads to a higher level of engagement at work. And when workplace morale is elevated, work performance is sure to follow! Your team will likely grow in morale and performance as you incorporate service intentionally. This also allows space for additional leadership and growth opportunities on your team. What staff member would benefit from an opportunity to lead a service project at work? How might their communication and initiative grow in response?

Community service connects you with…the community!

Community service is not only good for the organizations you serve, but it also provides a bridge to the community back to you! There are countless networking opportunities to be discovered as you reach into the community, learn about what is happening, and invest your time and resources with them. Perhaps you’ll discover a new audience you enjoy serving, and an established connection through community service can deepen and strengthen partnerships as well as relationships. 

Additionally, it can be a natural way to increase your brand awareness as a company. This benefit needs to come organically, as it’s not effective when it’s your sole purpose for serving. However, it’s helpful to point out the ways community service will often be a win-win for those invested. 

Why Cross-Cultural Dynamics Cares About Community Service

At Cross-Cultural Dynamics, our team is passionate about the communities around us. We see so much value in serving these communities, and we continuously seek new ways to invest. One of our core values is “Give Back.” Each of our branch locations gives back to their local communities through charity and volunteerism because we believe in the power of community, friendships, and camaraderie. 

CCD is passionate about serving and investing in its local community. Our employees are asked to serve in their local communities each quarter, and we also find ways to invest financially in local nonprofits. This all stems from a desire to be connected to the communities, beyond business. It’s all about building long-term relationships with people and businesses.

Dylan Winn-Brown

Dylan Winn-Brown is a freelance web developer & Squarespace Expert based in the City of London. 


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