Cross-Cultural Dynamics’ Blog

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Courtney Heyward Courtney Heyward

An Introduction to Triple Loop Leadership

Over the next four months, I’ll be diving into the four critical elements of our Triple Loop Leadership framework. This journey is designed to help you, as a leader, navigate the complexities of modern leadership. Each month, we’ll explore a different topic, starting with the foundation of it all: self-awareness. Without it, everything else becomes shaky and uncertain. So, this month, let’s take a closer look at ourselves—our motivations, values, and biases—to ensure our leadership is rooted in self-reflection and authenticity.

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Courtney Heyward Courtney Heyward

Embracing the Power of Employee Engagement

What are some common challenges that can impact productivity and overall employee morale in your workplace? If you guessed stress and employee turnover, you guessed correctly!

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Cross-Cultural Dynamics Cross-Cultural Dynamics

Official Press Release: Titan 100

Titan CEO and headline sponsor Wipfli LLP are pleased to announce Dr. Jeff McGee, CEO, Cross-Cultural Dynamics as a 2024 Phoenix Titan 100.

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Courtney Heyward Courtney Heyward

Lead with Resilience and Hope: 6 Strategies to Inspire Strength and Positivity

Emphasizing the importance of maintaining a positive outlook and demonstrating resilience in the face of adversity is crucial. As leaders, our ability to stay strong and optimistic is important for us and those we lead. Resilience and hope are key to navigating challenges and inspiring confidence within our teams.

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

Leading in the Remote & Hybrid Work Era

Welcome to the future of work, where pajama bottoms can be as professional as a suit, and the kitchen table is as much an office as the high-rise downtown. As remote and hybrid work environments become the norm, mastering leadership in these settings is more crucial than ever. Our Triple Loop Leadership framework is not just a tool; it’s your ultimate guide to navigating and thriving in the flexible work landscape, designed to ensure that you don’t just survive the shift but excel in it.

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

Soft Skills: A Forgotten Leadership Necessity

Most leaders underestimate the importance of soft skills. These skills are more than just supplementary traits; they are fundamental components that shape influential and adaptable leaders.

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

Green Heroes: Leading the Charge in Today's Eco-Friendly Business World

In a world where the news is full of stories about climate change and social inequality, there's a new kind of hero emerging in the business world. These aren't your typical suit-and-tie executives focused solely on the bottom line; they're "Green Leaders," champions of a movement that values the planet and its people as much as profits. This blog takes a closer look at who these leaders are, what drives them, and how they're reshaping the future of business.

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

Conquering the Art of Work-Life Balance

In the ever-changing landscape of modern careers, achieving a healthy work-life balance has become more crucial than ever. This elusive symmetry is not just about managing time; it's about managing energy, priorities, and, most importantly, managing self.

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

Generosity in Leadership - What does it look like?

In the corporate wilderness, there’s a rare breed of creature that stands out not for its savage roar or terrifying spreadsheet skills, but for its big heart. This is the generous leader. We aren’t talking about a person that gives you extra money in your check or doesn’t make you respond to emails on weekends. This leader creates an environment where people feel heard, valued, and motivated.

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

Gratitude in Leadership…

…Is it worth your time?

Does your work life sound like this… on the phone while you are heading into the office? Running from your bedroom to another room to jump on a Zoom meeting? Powering through back-to-back meetings? Putting out fires on urgent issues almost every day? Responding to emails from the time you wake up until the time you go to bed?

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

Belonging in Leadership

Belonging within the framework of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is a relatively new idea. It wasn’t until recently that we saw the “B” attached to DEI. However, belonging is not a new idea when it comes to what we need as human beings.

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

Inclusion in Leadership

I remember as a kid playing sports with other kids in the neighborhood. One of our favorite sports to play was stick ball (baseball with a stick instead of a bat). To pick teams, usually the oldest two kids would be the captains.

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

Equity in Leadership

Leaders who are equity-driven want to ensure that everyone receives what they need to be successful. What is needed for success is typically different from one individual to the next.

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

Diversity in Leadership

Why is it necessary to talk about diversity in leadership? For starters, research has shown us that having a diverse leadership team increases the bottom line in your organization.

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

Black History Is American History

Another February has circled its way on our calendars. The month-long celebrations, awareness, and promotions have ramped back up as we give honor to Black History Month.

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

The Perception of Justice

You may be mission-focused and doing your best to uphold justice within the decision-making and processes of your workplace.

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