Soft Skills: A Forgotten Leadership Necessity

Soft Skills

Most leaders underestimate the importance of soft skills. These skills are more than just supplementary traits; they are fundamental components that shape influential and adaptable leaders. Investigating key areas such as emotional intelligence, communication, problem-solving, strategic planning, and thought leadership within a leadership framework reveals how these skills empower individuals to lead effectively and inspire others. Let me give you some insights into these areas. You will notice that I have italicized the ways you can build on your soft skills.

Emotional Intelligence (EI)

Emotional Intelligence is at the heart of leadership and leaders must understand that. Leaders with high EI not only manage their own emotions, but also perceive and respond to the emotions of others with empathy and understanding. This capability is vital for creating an inclusive team environment and managing dynamics effectively. Leaders can enhance their EI by engaging in reflective practices and actively seeking to understand diverse emotional perspectives within their teams. This is key!


Communication is the cornerstone of effective leadership. A leader must be proficient at conveying clear, strategic messages, and excel at listening. The ability to communicate effectively ensures that leaders can share their vision and align their team accordingly. Improving this skill involves regular practice in both delivering messages and actively listening to feedback to ensure mutual understanding.

Interpersonal Problem-Solving

Interpersonal Problem-Solving is essential for navigating the complexities of team management and project execution. Leaders skilled in this area can mediate conflicts, build consensus, and steer teams through challenges with creativity and poise. Developing this skill requires a focus on collaborative solutions and the flexibility to adapt strategies as situations evolve.

Strategic Development

Strategic Development involves the foresight to set long-term goals and the acumen to devise pathways to achieve them. Effective leaders are strategic thinkers who can anticipate future challenges and opportunities and plan accordingly. Enhancing this skill means immersing oneself in industry trends, engaging with mentors and peers for broader perspectives, and practicing scenario planning to better prepare for various outcomes.

Thought Leadership

Thought Leadership is about pioneering ideas and guiding others toward new methodologies and improvements. Leaders who are thought leaders influence not only their own organizations but also their industries. They contribute insights, drive innovation, and inspire change. Building this aspect of leadership involves being deeply knowledgeable in your field, actively contributing to professional discussions, and publicly sharing your insights and solutions.

Developing these soft skills transforms professionals into leaders who can effectively guide their teams, influence their industries, and achieve significant organizational impacts. Whether you are aspiring to leadership or looking to enhance your current role, focusing on these critical areas will bolster your leadership capabilities and ensure you remain a dynamic and effective leader in any professional landscape.

Your task: Choose one of the five areas and email us at:  which one you are going to focus on over the next 30 days. We can be your accountability partner.

You are great, so be great!

Dylan Winn-Brown

Dylan Winn-Brown is a freelance web developer & Squarespace Expert based in the City of London.

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