Leading in the Remote & Hybrid Work Era


Welcome to the future of work, where pajama bottoms can be as professional as a suit, and the kitchen table is as much an office as the high-rise downtown. As remote and hybrid work environments become the norm, mastering leadership in these settings is more crucial than ever. Our Triple Loop Leadership framework is not just a tool; it’s your ultimate guide to navigating and thriving in the flexible work landscape, designed to ensure that you don’t just survive the shift but excel in it.

Triple Loop Leadership is like leveling up in a video game where each level tests your skills in new and exciting ways. It challenges leaders to ensure tasks are completed and reflect deeply on how their team works and why specific strategies are employed. Here’s a breakdown of how the three loops apply when thinking about remote and hybrid work:

Single Loop Learning

Focuses on the technicalities and day-to-day tasks. Are team members familiar with the tools and systems in place? Is everyone adhering to deadlines? This loop involves ensuring all team members are comfortable with digital communication tools to avoid those “you’re on mute” interruptions.

Double Loop Learning

Goes deeper, questioning the effectiveness of existing strategies. Are our current work-from-home policies fostering productivity and well-being? Does the team feel genuinely connected and engaged? This could lead to reassessing and revamping approaches, such as swapping impersonal weekly email updates for interactive team webinars.

Triple Loop Learning

Involves reflecting on the underlying principles and values that guide decision-making. It asks leaders to think about the ‘whys’ of their strategies, like redefining productivity in a world where your office is your living space and aligning work processes with core values like flexibility, inclusivity, and work-life balance.

Implementing these concepts in fun and engaging ways can significantly enhance team dynamics and productivity. For instance:

Virtual Coffee Breaks

Can be scheduled where work-related talk is off-limits. Discussing personal interests during these breaks can help recreate invaluable watercooler conversations that build camaraderie.

Flexibility Challenges

can be hosted monthly, during which team members creatively showcase their home office setups. Encouraging creativity in workstation setup not only adds a light-hearted element but also encourages employees to create a workspace that truly suits their needs.

Feedback Fiesta

Transforms feedback sessions into anticipated events. Organizing these sessions with virtual backgrounds, themed attire, and upbeat music can turn potentially tense interactions into positive, forward-looking ones.

Effective leadership in remote and hybrid models also involves building a thriving culture where employees feel valued and part of a community. Strategies like regular one-on-one video calls to discuss well-being, organizing online workshops for skill development, and considering annual virtual retreats with team-building activities can all contribute to this goal. Employing the Triple Loop Leadership framework provides deep insights and adds a layer of fun to daily tasks. As we continue to adapt to these changes, remember that the ultimate goal is to create a work environment that is not only productive but also vibrant and engaging. Let’s keep those work loops looping and the team spirit buzzing. Here’s to leading with flexibility, insight, and a dash of fun—virtual high-fives all around!


Learn more about our Triple Loop Leadership Approach.

Dylan Winn-Brown

Dylan Winn-Brown is a freelance web developer & Squarespace Expert based in the City of London. 


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