What is DEI?

Group of professionals in business attire stacking hands on a table in unity

The values of diversity, equity, and inclusion in your workplace

Diversity is a hot topic in today’s culture. There is a growing interest in diversity within organizations, and it can be challenging to understand not only the path to get there successfully but also what diversity is in the first place. It’s one of those concepts that gets tossed around a lot. While most workplaces acknowledge the need for it, there tends to be a lack of foundational understanding for the core elements making it possible to facilitate a thriving and diverse team.

As we consider the importance of diversity, we must also understand how equity and inclusion work together to contribute to the overall success of your quest for diversity. 


Diversity points to the many differences making each human unique. We have unique and varying backgrounds, experiences, beliefs, and personality traits. It’s the culmination of these things that contributes to our unique worldviews. In this way, diversity presents a variety of characteristics within a particular work setting or setting in general. 

A deeper look into diversity will reveal more than outward appearance. While physical appearance and visible differences are the first things our minds often go to as we think of diversity, think of the diversity within us-such as our thoughts and perspectives! When creating a product or trying to solve an issue, it’s quicker to arrive at a quality conclusion when you allow different perspectives a seat at the table. In this way, diversity is a representation of many different perspectives. 


Not to be confused with equality, which aims to ensure everyone gets the same things, equity, while also synonymous with fairness and justice, is all about creating space for advancement and opening opportunities for what people need. 

Equity describes a level playing field for all individuals. And this takes a certain level of discernment regarding the barriers and advantages individuals face on a daily basis. While equality may be a rhythm in your organization, this does not ensure equity. 


It’s one thing to invite a perspective into a space, and it’s an entirely different thing to pull up a chair and hand over a mic. Inclusion goes beyond recognizing diversity and actively values the dignity and worth associated with it. Inclusion is empowerment, and it is collaboration. 

Employees will quickly be able to discern an organization’s commitment to diversity based on the level of inclusion it practices. Successful inclusion means employees feel welcomed within a work system. They can feel a sense of belonging and value, not because they are a singular “diverse” voice, but because they bring a dynamic perspective and can be themselves.

How DEI can make a difference in your organization

Paying attention to diversity, equity, and inclusion will allow for a workplace where each individual has the ability to thrive. It also cultivates overall health for your team! Diverse views and thoughts contribute to a well-rounded perspective. Equity is why most employees keep showing up to work. “We want to get compensated fairly for our work, we want to be challenged, to learn, and to contribute. People often choose an employer based on those things, which boil down to equity,” says Catalina Colman, Director of HR and Inclusion at Built In. Additionally, inclusion is what continues to cultivate diversity in your organization. It puts to action the stated values of diversity.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion, when working together properly in your organization, will allow for better performance, higher chance of capturing new markets, better decision-making, and higher revenue. The benefits to everyone involved outweigh any excuse to neglect DEI on your team. 

Dylan Winn-Brown

Dylan Winn-Brown is a freelance web developer & Squarespace Expert based in the City of London. 


Inclusive Leadership