Inclusive Leadership

herd of elephants

The beauty of inclusive leadership is its positive effects on both employer and employee. While employees working in a healthy and inclusive environment will feel a sense of value, belonging, and respect, the employer also reaps the benefits of elevated work performance within the organization. Before we can know how to get there, we need to understand what we’re aiming for.

What is Inclusive Leadership?

Inclusive leadership is the ability of a leader to recognize the diversity of a team, allow equitable participation, and adapt to ensure each team member is valued, respected, and championed. This includes the ability for a leader to be aware of blind spots and be able to navigate those effectively.      

Benefits of Inclusive Leadership

When it comes to inclusive leadership, it’s important to note your leadership will not happen upon it. You cannot drift into inclusivity. It takes intentionality and thoughtful pursuit to get to a place where you can claim an inclusive workplace. And, while it takes effort, let’s review a couple of ways it will benefit your organization.

Innovative Organizational Culture

Employees are performing at their best when they are valued, given a voice, and listened to. Additionally, a practical consequence of inclusive leadership is the ability to leverage diverse perspectives on your team. What better way to innovate than to open the door to diverse perspectives? 

Appeal to Top Diverse Talent

Healthy, inclusive leadership is attractive to the talent around you. People want to be a part of inclusive teams. Your ability to get to a place of inclusive leadership will only make your organization more valuable and appealing to those around you. You’ll quickly find that inclusivity cultivates a culture of inclusivity. And it starts with you!

The Leader’s Role in Inclusive Leadership

According to a Harvard Business Review on the Key to Inclusive Leadership, it’s not the policies and procedures of an organization that make the biggest difference in feeling included. It mostly comes down to the leader. What the leader says and does makes 70% more of a difference in whether an employee will feel included or not. So, let’s take a closer look at how you can improve your inclusive leadership!     

What does it look like in practice?

  • Improved cultural intelligence
    Are you able to adapt in ways that effectively relate to others cross-culturally?

  • Awareness of Implicit Bias
    What are some pitfalls you may have in regard to stereotypes and other biases, even without conscious knowledge of them?

  • Collaboration that empowers
    Do you have practical tools to help you effectively collaborate on your team? We advocate for a 5-stage model in collaboration incorporating learning, relating, advocating, participating, and understanding.

  • Commitment to improving diversity, equity, and inclusion
    Have you given equal attention to diversity, equity, and inclusion? 

  • Improved communication across cultures
    Do you have the ability to communicate with a level of cultural intelligence that allows for effective participation across your entire team?

  • Courage to be honest about imperfections
    Are you able to adapt when you fall short? Do you ask questions? Seek input?

The need for inclusive leaders is great. Organizations are filled with diverse perspectives, rich collaborations, and innovation potential. But the benefits of this diversity are only unlocked and effective when a leader is able to become inclusive to the core. Your teams are counting on you to make this important shift. 

If you’re looking for more resources and tools in your inclusive leadership, contact Cross-Cultural Dynamics for ways we can assist you on this journey. Our team offers various consulting, speaking, training, and other staff services for you. Click here to learn more.

Dylan Winn-Brown

Dylan Winn-Brown is a freelance web developer & Squarespace Expert based in the City of London.

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